Threatest - Threatest Is A Go Framework For End-To-End Testing Threat Detection Rules

Threatest is a Go framework for testing threat detection end-to-end.

Threatest allows you to detonate an attack technique, and verify that the alert you expect was generated in your favorite security platform.

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A detonator describes how and where an attack technique is executed.

Supported detonators:

  • Local command execution
  • SSH command execution
  • Stratus Red Team
  • AWS detonator

Alert matchers

An alert matcher is a platform-specific integration that can check if an expected alert was triggered.

Supported alert matchers:

  • Datadog security signals

Detonation and alert correlation

Each detonation is assigned a UUID. This UUID is reflected in the detonation and used to ensure that the matched alert corresponds exactly to this detonation.

The way this is done depends on the detonator; for instance, Stratus Red Team and the AWS Detonator inject it in the user-agent; the SSH detonator uses a parent process containing the UUID.

Sample usage

See examples for complete usage example.

Testing Datadog Cloud SIEM signals triggered by Stratus Red Team

threatest := Threatest()

threatest.Scenario("AWS console login").
Expect(DatadogSecuritySignal("AWS Console login without MFA").WithSeverity("medium")).
WithTimeout(15 * time.Minute)

assert.NoError(t, threatest.Run())

Testing Datadog Cloud Workload Security signals triggered by running commands over SSH

ssh, _ := NewSSHCommandExecutor("test-box", "", "")

threatest := Threatest()

threatest.Scenario("curl to metadata service").
WhenDetonating(NewCommandDetonator(ssh, "curl --connect-timeout 1")).
Expect(DatadogSecuritySignal("EC2 Instance Metadata Service Accessed via Network Utility"))

assert.NoError(t, threatest.Run())

from KitPloit - PenTest & Hacking Tools

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