Katana - A Next-Generation Crawling And Spidering Framework

A next-generation crawling and spidering framework

FeaturesInstallationUsageScopeConfigFiltersJoin Discord


  • Fast And fully configurable web crawling
  • Standard and Headless mode support
  • JavaScript parsing / crawling
  • Customizable automatic form filling
  • Scope control - Preconfigured field / Regex
  • Customizable output - Preconfigured fields


katana requires Go 1.18 to install successfully. To install, just run the below command or download pre-compiled binary from release page.

go install github.com/projectdiscovery/katana/cmd/katana@latest


katana -h

This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.

./katana [flags]

-u, -list string[] target url / list to crawl

-d, -depth int maximum depth to crawl (default 2)
-jc, -js-crawl enable endpoint parsing / crawling in javascript file
-ct, -crawl-duration int maximum duration to crawl the target for
-kf, -known-files string enable crawling of known files (all,robotstxt,sitemapxml)
-mrs, -max-response-size int maximum response size to read (default 2097152)
-timeout int time to wait for request in seconds (default 10)
-aff, -automatic-form-fill enable optional automatic form filling (experimental)
-retry int number of times to retry the request (default 1)
-proxy string http/socks5 proxy to use
-H, -headers string[] custom hea der/cookie to include in request
-config string path to the katana configuration file
-fc, -form-config string path to custom form configuration file

-health-check, -hc run diagnostic check up
-elog, -error-log string file to write sent requests error log

-hl, -headless enable headless hybrid crawling (experimental)
-sc, -system-chrome use local installed chrome browser instead of katana installed
-sb, -show-browser show the browser on the screen with headless mode
-ho, -headless-options string[] start headless chrome with additional options
-nos, -no-sandbox start headless chrome in --no-sandbox mode
-scp, -system-chrome-path string use specified chrome binary path for headless crawling
-noi, -no-incognito start headless chrome without incognito mode

-cs, -crawl-scope string[] in scope url regex to be followed by crawler
-cos, -crawl-out-scope string[] out of scope url regex to be excluded by crawler
-fs, -field-scope string pre-defined scope field (dn,rdn,fqdn) (default "rdn")
-ns, -no-scope disables host based default scope
-do, -display-out-scope display external endpoint from scoped crawling

-f, -field string field to display in output (url,path,fqdn,rdn,rurl,qurl,qpath,file,key,value,kv,dir,udir)
-sf, -store-field string field to store in per-host output (url,path,fqdn,rdn,rurl,qurl,qpath,file,key,value,kv,dir,udir)
-em, -extension-match string[] match output for given extension (eg, -em php,html,js)
-ef, -extension-filter string[] filter output for given extension (eg, -ef png,css)

-c, -concurrency int number of concurrent fetchers to use (defaul t 10)
-p, -parallelism int number of concurrent inputs to process (default 10)
-rd, -delay int request delay between each request in seconds
-rl, -rate-limit int maximum requests to send per second (default 150)
-rlm, -rate-limit-minute int maximum number of requests to send per minute

-o, -output string file to write output to
-j, -json write output in JSONL(ines) format
-nc, -no-color disable output content coloring (ANSI escape codes)
-silent display output only
-v, -verbose display verbose output
-version display project version

Running Katana

Input for katana

katana requires url or endpoint to crawl and accepts single or multiple inputs.

Input URL can be provided using -u option, and multiple values can be provided using comma-separated input, similarly file input is supported using -list option and additionally piped input (stdin) is also supported.

URL Input

katana -u https://tesla.com

Multiple URL Input (comma-separated)

katana -u https://tesla.com,https://google.com

List Input

$ cat url_list.txt

katana -list url_list.txt

STDIN (piped) Input

echo https://tesla.com | katana
cat domains | httpx | katana

Example running katana -

katana -u https://youtube.com

__ __
/ /_____ _/ /____ ____ ___ _
/ '_/ _ / __/ _ / _ \/ _ /
/_/\_\\_,_/\__/\_,_/_//_/\_,_/ v0.0.1


[WRN] Use with caution. You are responsible for your actions.
[WRN] Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage.
https://www.youtube.com/howyoutubeworks?utm_campaign=ytgen&utm_source=ythp&utm_medium=LeftNav&utm_content=txt&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com %2Fhowyoutubeworks%3Futm_source%3Dythp%26utm_medium%3DLeftNav%26utm_campaign%3Dytgen
https://w ww.youtube.com/s/desktop/4965577f/jsbin/webcomponents-sd.vflset/webcomponents-sd.js

Crawling Mode

Standard Mode

Standard crawling modality uses the standard go http library under the hood to handle HTTP requests/responses. This modality is much faster as it doesn't have the browser overhead. Still, it analyzes HTTP responses body as is, without any javascript or DOM rendering, potentially missing post-dom-rendered endpoints or asynchronous endpoint calls that might happen in complex web applications depending, for example, on browser-specific events.

Headless Mode

Headless mode hooks internal headless calls to handle HTTP requests/responses directly within the browser context. This offers two advantages:

  • The HTTP fingerprint (TLS and user agent) fully identify the client as a legitimate browser
  • Better coverage since the endpoints are discovered analyzing the standard raw response, as in the previous modality, and also the browser-rendered one with javascript enabled.

Headless crawling is optional and can be enabled using -headless option.

Here are other headless CLI options -

katana -h headless

-hl, -headless enable experimental headless hybrid crawling
-sc, -system-chrome use local installed chrome browser instead of katana installed
-sb, -show-browser show the browser on the screen with headless mode
-ho, -headless-options string[] start headless chrome with additional options
-nos, -no-sandbox start headless chrome in --no-sandbox mode
-noi, -no-incognito start headless chrome without incognito mode


Runs headless chrome browser with no-sandbox option, useful when running as root user.

katana -u https://tesla.com -headless -no-sandbox


Runs headless chrome browser without incognito mode, useful when using the local browser.

katana -u https://tesla.com -headless -no-incognito


When crawling in headless mode, additional chrome options can be specified using -headless-options, for example -

katana -u https://tesla.com -headless -system-chrome -headless-options --disable-gpu,proxy-server=

Scope Control

Crawling can be endless if not scoped, as such katana comes with multiple support to define the crawl scope.


Most handy option to define scope with predefined field name, rdn being default option for field scope.

  • rdn - crawling scoped to root domain name and all subdomains (e.g. *example.com) (default)
  • fqdn - crawling scoped to given sub(domain) (e.g. www.example.com or api.example.com)
  • dn - crawling scoped to domain name keyword (e.g. example)
katana -u https://tesla.com -fs dn


For advanced scope control, -cs option can be used that comes with regex support.

katana -u https://tesla.com -cs login

For multiple in scope rules, file input with multiline string / regex can be passed.

$ cat in_scope.txt

katana -u https://tesla.com -cs in_scope.txt


For defining what not to crawl, -cos option can be used and also support regex input.

katana -u https://tesla.com -cos logout

For multiple out of scope rules, file input with multiline string / regex can be passed.

$ cat out_of_scope.txt

katana -u https://tesla.com -cos out_of_scope.txt


Katana is default to scope *.domain, to disable this -ns option can be used and also to crawl the internet.

katana -u https://tesla.com -ns


As default, when scope option is used, it also applies for the links to display as output, as such external URLs are default to exclude and to overwrite this behavior, -do option can be used to display all the external URLs that exist in targets scoped URL / Endpoint.

katana -u https://tesla.com -do

Here is all the CLI options for the scope control -

katana -h scope

-cs, -crawl-scope string[] in scope url regex to be followed by crawler
-cos, -crawl-out-scope string[] out of scope url regex to be excluded by crawler
-fs, -field-scope string pre-defined scope field (dn,rdn,fqdn) (default "rdn")
-ns, -no-scope disables host based default scope
-do, -display-out-scope display external endpoint from scoped crawling

Crawler Configuration

Katana comes with multiple options to configure and control the crawl as the way we want.


Option to define the depth to follow the urls for crawling, the more depth the more number of endpoint being crawled + time for crawl.

katana -u https://tesla.com -d 5


Option to enable JavaScript file parsing + crawling the endpoints discovered in JavaScript files, disabled as default.

katana -u https://tesla.com -jc


Option to predefined crawl duration, disabled as default.

katana -u https://tesla.com -ct 2


Option to enable crawling robots.txt and sitemap.xml file, disabled as default.

katana -u https://tesla.com -kf robotstxt,sitemapxml


Option to enable automatic form filling for known / unknown fields, known field values can be customized as needed by updating form config file at $HOME/.config/katana/form-config.yaml.

Automatic form filling is experimental feature.

   -aff, -automatic-form-fill  enable optional automatic form filling (experimental)

There are more options to configure when needed, here is all the config related CLI options -

katana -h config

-d, -depth int maximum depth to crawl (default 2)
-jc, -js-crawl enable endpoint parsing / crawling in javascript file
-ct, -crawl-duration int maximum duration to crawl the target for
-kf, -known-files string enable crawling of known files (all,robotstxt,sitemapxml)
-mrs, -max-response-size int maximum response size to read (default 2097152)
-timeout int time to wait for request in seconds (default 10)
-retry int number of times to retry the request (default 1)
-proxy string http/socks5 proxy to use
-H, -headers string[] custom header/cookie to include in request
-config string path to the katana configuration file
-fc, -form-config string path to custom form configuration file



Katana comes with built in fields that can be used to filter the output for the desired information, -f option can be used to specify any of the available fields.

   -f, -field string  field to display in output (url,path,fqdn,rdn,rurl,qurl,qpath,file,key,value,kv,dir,udir)

Here is a table with examples of each field and expected output when used -

url URL Endpoint https://admin.projectdiscovery.io/admin/login?user=admin&password=admin
qurl URL including query param https://admin.projectdiscovery.io/admin/login.php?user=admin&password=admin
qpath Path including query param /login?user=admin&password=admin
path URL Path https://admin.projectdiscovery.io/admin/login
fqdn Fully Qualified Domain name admin.projectdiscovery.io
rdn Root Domain name projectdiscovery.io
rurl Root URL https://admin.projectdiscovery.io
file Filename in URL login.php
key Parameter keys in URL user,password
value Parameter values in URL admin,admin
kv Keys=Values in URL user=admin&password=admin
dir URL Directory name /admin/
udir URL with Directory https://admin.projectdiscovery.io/admin/

Here is an example of using field option to only display all the urls with query parameter in it -

katana -u https://tesla.com -f qurl -silent


Custom Fields

You can create custom fields to extract and store specific information from page responses using regex rules. These custom fields are defined using a YAML config file and are loaded from the default location at $HOME/.config/katana/field-config.yaml. Alternatively, you can use the -flc option to load a custom field config file from a different location. Here is example custom field.

- name: email
type: regex
- '([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)'
- '([a-zA-Z0-9+._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)'

- name: phone
type: regex
- '\d{3}-\d{8}|\d{4}-\d{7}'

When defining custom fields, following attributes are supported:

  • name (required)

The value of name attribute is used as the -field cli option value.

  • type (required)

The type of custom attribute, currenly supported option - regex

  • part (optional)

The part of the response to extract the information from. The default value is response, which includes both the header and body. Other possible values are header and body.

  • group (optional)

You can use this attribute to select a specific matched group in regex, for example: group: 1

Running katana using custom field:

katana -u https://tesla.com -f email,phone


To compliment field option which is useful to filter output at run time, there is -sf, -store-fields option which works exactly like field option except instead of filtering, it stores all the information on the disk under katana_field directory sorted by target url.

katana -u https://tesla.com -sf key,fqdn,qurl -silent
$ ls katana_field/


The -store-field option can be useful for collecting information to build a targeted wordlist for various purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Identifying the most commonly used parameters
  • Discovering frequently used paths
  • Finding commonly used files
  • Identifying related or unknown subdomains


Crawl output can be easily matched for specific extension using -em option to ensure to display only output containing given extension.

katana -u https://tesla.com -silent -em js,jsp,json


Crawl output can be easily filtered for specific extension using -ef option which ensure to remove all the urls containing given extension.

katana -u https://tesla.com -silent -ef css,txt,md

Here are additional filter options -

   -f, -field string                field to display in output (url,path,fqdn,rdn,rurl,qurl,file,key,value,kv,dir,udir)
-sf, -store-field string field to store in per-host output (url,path,fqdn,rdn,rurl,qurl,file,key,value,kv,dir,udir)
-em, -extension-match string[] match output for given extension (eg, -em php,html,js)
-ef, -extension-filter string[] filter output for given extension (eg, -ef png,css)

Rate Limit

It's easy to get blocked / banned while crawling if not following target websites limits, katana comes with multiple option to tune the crawl to go as fast / slow we want.


option to introduce a delay in seconds between each new request katana makes while crawling, disabled as default.

katana -u https://tesla.com -delay 20


option to control the number of urls per target to fetch at the same time.

katana -u https://tesla.com -c 20


option to define number of target to process at same time from list input.

katana -u https://tesla.com -p 20


option to use to define max number of request can go out per second.

katana -u https://tesla.com -rl 100


option to use to define max number of request can go out per minute.

katana -u https://tesla.com -rlm 500

Here is all long / short CLI options for rate limit control -

katana -h rate-limit

-c, -concurrency int number of concurrent fetchers to use (default 10)
-p, -parallelism int number of concurrent inputs to process (default 10)
-rd, -delay int request delay between each request in seconds
-rl, -rate-limit int maximum requests to send per second (default 150)
-rlm, -rate-limit-minute int maximum number of requests to send per minute


Katana support both file output in plain text format as well as JSON which includes additional information like, source, tag, and attribute name to co-related the discovered endpoint.


By default, katana outputs the crawled endpoints in plain text format. The results can be written to a file by using the -output option.

katana -u https://example.com -no-scope -output example_endpoints.txt


katana -u https://example.com -json -do | jq .
"timestamp": "2022-11-05T22:33:27.745815+05:30",
"endpoint": "https://www.iana.org/domains/example",
"source": "https://example.com",
"tag": "a",
"attribute": "href"


The -store-response option allows for writing all crawled endpoint requests and responses to a text file. When this option is used, text files including the request and response will be written to the katana_response directory. If you would like to specify a custom directory, you can use the -store-response-dir option.

katana -u https://example.com -no-scope -store-response
$ cat katana_response/index.txt

katana_response/example.com/327c3fda87ce286848a574982ddd0b7c7487f816.txt https://example.com (200 OK)
katana_response/www.iana.org/bfc096e6dd93b993ca8918bf4c08fdc707a70723.txt http://www.iana.org/domains/reserved (200 OK)


-store-response option is not supported in -headless mode.

Here are additional CLI options related to output -

katana -h output

-o, -output string file to write output to
-sr, -store-response store http requests/responses
-srd, -store-response-dir string store http requests/responses to custom directory
-j, -json write output in JSONL(ines) format
-nc, -no-color disable output content coloring (ANSI escape codes)
-silent display output only
-v, -verbose display verbose output
-version display project version

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