Artificial Intelligence Governance Professional Certification - AIGP

For anyone who follows industry trends and related news I am certain you have been absolutely inundated by the torrent of articles and headlines about ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and AI in general. Let me apologize up front for adding yet another article to the pile. I promise this one is worth a read, especially for anyone looking for ways to safely, securely, and ethically begin introducing AI to their business. On June 20th the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) released a new body of knowledge (BOK) for their soon-to-be-released Artificial Intelligence Governance Professional Certification (AIGP). This first-of-its-kind certification covers a series of knowledge areas, which I’ll explore later in this post. It's of great value to any professional interested in implementing or managing AI, or simply curious about the field.

The field is booming with new tools, ideas, and use-cases being developed by the hour (at least that’s how it seems sometimes). Several companies, IBM being the most prolific, have also released several technical certifications aimed at the creation and refinement of AI. There are not, however, any certifications aimed at business leaders or non-technical professionals, the people who will approve and use AI in their day-to-day tasks. At least there weren’t until the IAPP announced their new AIGP certification, that is.

Introduction to the IAPP, and the AIGP knowledge areas

While the IAPP is the de facto leader in the industry when it comes to privacy certifications, I recognize not everyone may be familiar with them or their offerings. The IAPP was founded in 2000 and currently offers a suite of certifications aimed at professionals, including lawyers, who work with data privacy or governance. Their key offerings include the Certified Information Privacy Professional series (including individual certifications on European, Canadian, and American privacy laws), the Certified Information Privacy Manager, Certified Information Privacy Technologist, as well as a few others. The AIGP is a brand-new offering that hasn’t been fully released yet beyond the newly posted BOK.

The AIGP covers seven different domains that range from fundamental components of AI, all the way to development lifecycles and risk management. The topics on the exam will allow professionals to showcase their knowledge of both AI as a field of study and a technology, but also how to effectively manage it within an organization. Learning what you need to know to pass the test will create an excellent foundation and equip you to identify and leverage opportunities when they appear, and manage risks when they invariably crop up. I’ve listed the seven domains below:

  1. Understanding the Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
  2. Understanding AI Impacts and Responsible AI Principles
  3. Understanding How Current Laws Apply to AI Systems
  4. Understanding the Existing and Merging AI Laws and Standards
  5. Understanding the AI Development Life Cycle
  6. Implementing Responsible AI Governance and Risk Management
  7. Contemplating Ongoing Issues and Concerns


While the certification itself isn’t out quite yet, I highly recommend you visit the IAPP’s website and take a look at the AIGP’s BOK. This will give you a good idea of what you can expect to see on the exam and let you begin preparing while we wait for the official training material to be released. I reached out to the IAPP for more information and was informed that additional training material to support this certification is planned for a Q4 release later this year.

This certification promises to become a milestone in the realm of AI governance, effectively bridging the gap between those with deep technical knowledge and non-technical business leaders. As the presence and use of AI becomes more pervasive, being able to understand its governance, risks, and ethical implications is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. This certification is going to be a vital first step towards achieving that understanding. I'll continue to follow the development of the AIGP and provide more insights as new information becomes available.

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